Guarantee: our products are covered from guarantee against defects for a period of 5 years from the purchase
date of the first purchaser. The Guarantee is according to the European Standards and Italian Law
“D.Lgs 02/02/2002 n.24”.
The guarantee covers the following damages: casting, porosity, chrome plating, functioning.
The damaged article or part of it will be replaced or repaired after our technicians check after our written
agreement for the returning.
The guarantee decay if:
1. The product has been improperly employed. The exclusive tap aim is to make the water flow from the
domestic water pipelines.
2. The product has been modified or tampered by people not authorized from our Company.
3. The product has been wrongly installed not respecting the installation instructions provided.
4. The cleaning and the maintenance have not been carried out according to our instruction provided, and
following described.
The guarantee is limited to the repair or replacement of the defective products excluding any responsibility
for damages caused by our products employment.
F.lli Frattini SpA will replace the defective goods only if it will be returned in good conditions and packed in
the original package. On the contrary the goods value will be calculated at the raw material price.
Cleaning and maintenance: the life of the tap outside surface is determined by a good tap care and cleaning.
We suggest to clean the chrome plated, gold plated, brass plated satin and coloured surfaces with
water, natural soap and a soft cloth. Detergents containing acids or corrosives components cause many
damages, in this case the guarantee does not cover the damaged product.
Complaint: for any complaint the responsible court will be the Court of Novara - branch of Borgomanero -
even for orders issued elsewhere. Commitments, declaration or guarantees taken from our employee, our
representatives or auxiliaries of the sellers are not binding and not admitted if they are not contemplated in
our sales conditions or not officially signed from our Company.
Via Roma 125 – CP 107
I-28017 San Maurizio d’Opaglio (NO)
Ph.+39032296127 – Fax +390322967272